GRACIAS!! A todo el que se paso por mi stand, a todos los increibles artistas que conoci y a los geniales, guapisimas personas que me compraron o que admiraron mis dibujos (que? soy vanidosa vale? XD)
THANK YOU!! To everybody who come past my stand, to the incredible artists I met and to the magnificent, gorgeous people who bought something or compliemented my work (what? I'm shallow, alright? XD)
Here, have some photos. Mangarena (a brilliant artist, also from Jaen) had her stand right next to mine and played guard-dragon to my stand whilst I went to the toilet XD. Go look at her blog!
Aqui con Mangarena (una genial artistaza, tambien de Jaen), que tenia su stand al lado, y que hizo las veces de guardia-dragon para mi stand mientras iba al servicio. Id a ver su blog... YA!
Como nota final, garabato! Se lo acabe regalando otro fan de Harley, y un arista excelente con buen sentido del humor Jorge Romero Castillo quien realmente deberia ACTUALIZAR SU BLOG (malditasea)
And finally, doodle! I gave this to another Harley fan and an excellent artist with a good sense of humor Jorge Romero Castillo who should really UPDATE HIS BLOG (damnit)
Ire subire mas links y cosas :D
I'll be uploading more links and things :D
Another sketchdump because these are drawings that normally never get
seen because I don't think they're good enough to upload individually. All
together though... This is what I've up to lately. Chochi, que rapida has sido en mirar el blog... Pues ya ves en que he estado malgastando mi tiempo :D
Look at that! Some of it isn't actually fanart! Amazing!
Habeis visto? Eh? No solo hago fanart.
Just a quick little harley sketch whilst I'm working on something else. I've also been busy with a painting competition. Depending on the results I might put up a photo or two. Better art soon to follow!
I hope...