QUE?! They've cancelled All New X-Factor.


Si llevais un tiempo leyendo mi blog sabries que soy muy fan de Gambit y que estoy leyendome All New X-Factor. 
Pues resulta que lo han cancelado por falta de ventas. 
Estoy rabiando y dado que el anterior libro de Gambit se cancelo tambien por pocas ventas (todavia me duele!) me estoy temiendo que va a quedar relegado otra vez a personaje secundario durante mucho tiempo.
 Si quereis ayudar a que Marvel reconsidere la decision, uniros a #Save ANXF en twitter y comprad el comic online aqui. Las ventas digitales tambien se cuentan. Por favor, ayuda a que le renueve! Si lo habeis estado bajando o compartiendo, por favor compraroslo ahora. Es un comic divertido e interesante con muchisimo potencial. Hay tantas cosas que podrian ocurrir y facilmente podria convertirse en una histora enorme. Si estais hartos de ver a los mismo personajes haciendo las mismas cosas, por favor apoyad a X-Factor
If you've been following my blog for a while you may have noticed that I'm a big Gambit fan and that I've been reading All-new X-Factor. Well. Let me tell you a thing.
It's been cancelled due to low sales.*grinds teeth furiously*
I'm not a happy bunny, and, given that Gambit's previous book was cancelled for the same reason (still not over it!)  I'm starting to think that Gambit going to be relegated again to secondary charater staus for quite some time.
If you want to help towards getting Marvel to rethink it's decision, join #SaveANXF on twitter and buy the comic, you can get it online here. Digital sales also count. It's a fun, intresting series with so much potential. There's so many things that could happen and it could easily build up to something huge. Aren't you tierd of so many comics about the same characters? Here's something new, give it a chance. Please lend a hand!
*sobs grossly and throws unfinished fanart at you*

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