03/02 Exhibition

Ultimo encuentro


La exposicion sigue hasta el dia 27 pero el 25 es la  ultima oportunidad de discutir los cuadros de la exposicion conmigo. Animaos todos los que esteis por Jaen.

The exhibition continues on until the 27 but the 25 is the last change to discuss the paintings being exhibited with me. If anyone is around Jaen at that time, come and drop by.


Exhibition in Jaen


Estoy poniendo por fin los cuadros en la sala de exposiciones. Me he dado cuanta ahora de lo estupidamente grande que es esta habitacion. Espero, de verdad, tener suficientes cuadros.
Putting up the paintings in the exhibition room at last. Suddenly realised just how stupidly big this room is. I really hope I've got enough paintings.

No tengo suficientes cuadros. I haven't got enough paintings.


Captain of the White Tower


One of the pieces I'm going to be putting in my exhibition on the 3 of Feb. Boromir, my favourite Lord of the Rings character. I've always pictured this as him during his journey to Rivendell.

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